Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fuzzy Mayhem

We are all dreamers and poets today,
eager to slip beyond
limitations of rational thought 
eager to escape into realms of imagination.
Palestine endures
Reality is fuzzy
it's challenging to stick to the facts
We grow confussion and
it's challenging to think clearly now.
Syria is bleeding
Egypt is running in circles of mayhem
Iraq......Libya ...Yemen .... and the same
Reality is fuzzy
it's challenging to stick to the facts
We grow confussion and
it's challenging to think clearly now
And Palestine gives us perspective,
encouraging us to stay,
to hold our ground
And Palestine ...... testament of will
We were eager to slip beyond
limitations of rational thought
eager to escape into realms of imagination.
Palestine endures still
and we lost touch with what's most important.
and it's hell to pay now
we lost touch with what's most important
we are one and the same people
and we are bleeding
and we are lost in mayhem
and it's hell to pay now
Reality is fuzzy
Reality is fuzzy



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