Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Connecting the Dots: Find Your Own Social Media Recipe

So yesterday, I finally, decided to Explore Empire Avenue the social game, that I've been hearing and reading about quite often lately!  I did create an account, and set my profile and connections, and started exploring some.
I found it interesting and fun. but this post isn't about Empire Avenue, though the story of yesterday started with it. 

You see, I was curious about the 16 investors who had bought my shares. So I searched for some of them on Google+ and added them to my circles. Surprisingly, later in the day, I received Linkedin invitations to connect from those I circled on Google+. and I thought I'd check my G+ to see if they have circled me back. And sure enough they did. Oh Cool, and then I got back to work.

Early evening, I got on twitter, and seeing that I got new followers, I checked and I found a few of my Empire Avenue shareholders whom I have circled on G+, got connected to on Linkedin and now we are following each other on twitter.

I don't know about you, but I find that fascinating. especially that it completed the thought I have been entertaining for the past week.

I was thinking about the different social media platforms I personally use, and engage in. Specifically that, for the past few weeks (ever since Google+ launched) we have been seeing debates, comparing, and even over- analysis of which social media giant will lose to whom. I am not an expert on this, but as regular user of those platforms, I don't see why they one should lose to another. I find that each social media tool serves a specific purpose for me.

Despite the many similarities social media platforms such as Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, facebook, and other tools out there, they are different and am sure their users are also different, even though there are many users like me who use and rely on more than one tool regularly. Users are people, and people come in different shapes and personalities, eventually they will choose the Social Media tool(s) that appeals to them the most, and works for them the best.

Connecting the dots, I cannot do with only one social media tool. I find that all of them are useful in more than one way. 
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Facebook Marketing: An Hour a DayTwitter Marketing: An Hour a DayThe Power Formula for Linkedin Success: Kick-start Your Business, Brand, and Job SearchNetworking Is a Contact Sport: How Staying Connected and Serving Others Will Help You Grow Your Business, Expand Your Influence -- or Even Land Your Next Job                                          Now, Going back to my Empire Avenue story yesterday,and let's say that I was on vacation (My Empire Avenue exploration), and I met a few people, discovering we both belong to the same Country Club (where we have fun, relax, help each other, learn new things, get to know each other better, and build good relationships) my club in this story is Google+. Some of our club friends, connections and fellow members,  may be interested in further networking, and a professional meetings is mutually agreed on and set up. Thus further connecting on Linkedin: Conferences and Conventions, and following up on each others news on Twitter, the perpetual Trade/ PR Show.

After all of this networking and connecting,and given that deal is in the horizon, you can comfortable move to the Meeting room to discuss particulars (Email, IM, skype, phone, or a good old in person meeting).

Although, I find better uses for Linkedin, Twitter, and Google+, am still using Facebook, on a personal level (keeping in touch with Family, friends and old classmates), and on a professional level, a good number of my audiences are there, and its a good way to connect with them.

Therefore, depending on your own business needs and purposes for using Social Media, you may well find yourself using more three to five tools on regular basis, and using another two to three for certain events or purposes on occasion. Do not feel that you have to choose one over the other just because it is trending.

Find out what works for you and your business, experiment, connect the dots, and learn how you can improve and perfect your very own recipe for using social media.

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